The Horizon Council hosts a series of committees and task forces dedicated to strengthening Lee County’s business community and economic growth. These committees and task forces are guided by Lee County’s business members who work side-by-side with the community to build stronger relationships.
If you are interested in joining a committee or task force, please contact Warren Baucom, Director of Partnerships & Entrepreneurial Activities, by emailing WBaucom@LeeGov.com.
Committees and Task Forces
- Bylaws / Governance Task Force
Conducts periodic reviews of the Horizon Council’s bylaws and recommends changes deemed as-necessary.
- Business Issues Committee
Identifies issues impacting business development, entrepreneurship, and economic growth. Focusses on creating resources to support stronger business continuity and disaster preparedness for business of all sizes.
- Sports Council Committee
Supports and advocates for initiatives, events, and projects which align Lee County’s sports and business development efforts. Connects the business community with key sporting events throughout the county, such as the Fort Myers Tip-Off Classic.
- Supplier Diversity Committee
Promotes economic inclusion through appropriate certification and support for supplier diversity efforts. Efforts are accomplished through three targeted areas: Women Business Enterprises (WBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), and Veteran owned/certified businesses.
- STEM to Career Connection Task Force
Connects with Southwest Florida’s educational institutions and community-based STEM efforts and programs to engage with participating students from kindergarten through college to promote success. Identifies opportunities for the Horizon Council and small businesses to host and support local STEM events leading to the retention and attraction of a highly skilled workforce in Lee County.
- Insurance Affordability Task Force
Connects regional stakeholders and local insurance sector experts to identify strategies to improve the availability and affordability of all lines of insurance in Lee County and local municipalities.
- Strategic Planning Committee
Oversees and coordinates the implementation of the strategic planning initiatives for the Horizon Council. Guides the alignment of the Council to meet the advocating, hosting, and action directives identified in the strategic plan.